Have you noticed live programming on some of your favorite streaming platforms? Live programming for streaming channels can be a challenge. However, it can come with many benefits if done correctly. This past football season, Amazon had issues with their Thursday Night Football broadcast feed. And most recently, Netflix had problems with their live reunion of the reality show “Love is Blind”. Because of the issues with airing the reunion live, Netflix had to ditch the “live” part of the show, and instead tape it and post it the next day. This may be why Netflix has chosen not to partake much into the business of live programming.
Because Netflix did air another previous live show, “Chris Rock: ‘Selective Outrage’” with no issues, and because viewers take live tv programming without glitches for granted, there was no reason for consumers to believe that the “Love is Blind” live programming wouldn’t go off without a hitch. However, that clearly was not the case.
We know that live programming is very important when it comes to advertising. Since traditionally a majority of live programming is sporting events that target men, it’s interesting to see Netflix try live programming with a reunion show targeting women.
With the show “Love is Blind” being about couples getting engaged before seeing each other, that might also relate to the future of Netflix’s live programming and its relationship with its audience. The question now remains if Netflix will continue to say, “I do” to live programming or will it say, “I don’t”?
Cate Bender, the author, is Project Coordinator of Marketing Keys.